Scandion Oncology bekämpar cancerresistens och genomgår en emission: Läs VD Francois Martelets svar på våra frågor

Forskare på Scandion Oncology

Scandion Oncology är ett bioteknikföretag med uppdraget att ta itu med en av de viktigaste utmaningarna inom modern onkologi - behandlingen av cancer som har utvecklat resistens mot existerande cancermedicin. (Sponsrad artikel)

Bolaget genomför nu en emission för att skaffa kapital till sista delen av sin fas II-studie och förbereda för partnerdiskussioner. Vi har därför nedan ställt några frågor till VD Francois Martelet.

Francois Martelet, VD för Scandion Oncology

What does Scandion Oncology do?

Scandion Oncology is a clinical-stage biotechnology company dedicated to developing innovative treatments to overcome cancer drug resistance, a significant challenge in modern oncology. Our lead compound, SCO-101, is an oral precision medicine designed to enhance the efficacy of existing cancer therapies by inhibiting two critical mechanisms of drug resistance: the ABCG2 protein and the UGT1A1 enzyme.

Can you explain how SCO-101’s dual-targeting mechanism effectively addresses cancer drug resistance?

SCO-101 works by simultaneously targeting the ABCG2 protein, which pumps out chemotherapy drugs from cancer cells, and the UGT1A1 enzyme, which inactivates these drugs. By inhibiting both, SCO-101 keeps the drugs inside the cancer cells longer and maintains their active form in the body, significantly enhancing the chemotherapy’s effectiveness and preventing resistance. The CORIST study evaluates SCO-101 in combination with FOLFIRI chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer resistant to existing treatments.

What key findings from the CORIST part 3 trial highlight the potential of SCO-101 in treating metastatic colorectal cancer?

The CORIST part 3 trial showed impressive results, with patients experiencing significant tumor reduction and improved progression-free survival. Specifically, we observed tumor shrinkage by 30 % in 2 out of 6 patients and a median progression-free survival of 4.6 months, which is superior to previous results. These findings confirm the optimized dosing schedule and underscore SCO-101’s potential to enhance chemotherapy efficacy in metastatic colorectal cancer.

What are the next steps and upcoming milestones for SCO-101’s clinical development?

The next steps include expanding the CORIST part 3 data by adding smaller patient cohorts to optimize the dosing regimen. We aim to initiate a randomized Phase IIb trial to further validate SCO-101’s efficacy. Key milestones include final data from the current study expected in H2 2024 and topline data from the next step study anticipated in Q1 2025.

How does your robust patents for SCO-101 enhance Scandion Oncology’s competitive advantage and strategic goals?

Our strong patent portfolio provides commercial exclusivity for SCO-101 until at least 2042 in the EU and 2037 in the US, securing a significant competitive edge. This long-term protection supports our strategic goals by enabling us to fully develop and commercialize SCO-101, ensuring we can continue to innovate and provide effective treatments for drug-resistant cancers.

Finally, what are the next steps and upcoming milestones for the company?

Our next steps include expanding the CORIST trial to optimize SCO-101 dosing and preparing for a Phase IIb trial. Key milestones are releasing final data from CORIST Part 3 in H2 2024 and topline data from the Phase IIb trial in Q1 2025. We will also focus on regulatory engagements and strengthening partnerships while ensuring financial stability through the funds raised from the rights issue.

Läs mer om Scandion Oncology och emissionen här.

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Scandion Oncology A/S

Scandion Oncology är ett nyetablerat bioteknikbolag baserat i Köpenhamn. Företaget kommer att utveckla läkemedel och tester (prediktiva biomarkörer) i syfte att förbättra överlevnad och livskvalitet för cancerpatienter.